The majority of the U.S. Senate is applying pressure on the Parks Service to allow guns in the National Parks. I have no doubt that this is the result of "bribes" (see footnote below) from the NRA to our elected officials. Plus the majority of States now allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. All under the guise of self protection. I guess the thought is that if you see someone with a gun you can whip yours out and blast away. Well, the idea of protecting yourself by carring a gun is a false image. Most people that are killed with guns are killed in a drive by shooting, gang violence, or domestic disturbance. Would another gun have helped the victim? Probably not. And the recent mass shootings? Well maybe, but most likely more innocent people would have killed by untrained people whipping out their handguns and shooting wildly into a crowd. Although it is true that "guns do not kill people" (people kill people), the availability of guns makes killing so much easier.
In my opinion, the only solution is for the Supreme Court to take up the issue of what the Constitution says (actually what the writes meant it to say). By doing that they need to put the Article on the militia and right to bear arms in context. At the time the Constitution was written, firearms were pretty much the same for hundreds of years. Single shot, flintlock, black powder. The writers had no idea how firewarms would evolve into what they are today. But more important the writers were writing from a view of this country not having a standing professional army but thought in terms of a militia being necessary to protect the country from foreign interference. With that thought in mind, think about this: Let everyone in the country have a gun BUT only of the type know at the time the Constitution was written. Single shot, flintlock, black powder. One per individual. Try and do a drive by shooting with that. Or muder your family. Or commit robbery. A simple solution. After all, limiting the type of guns is no different that limiting the amount of loan interest, the size of a home in a neighborhood, how loud you play your music, how much you contribute to a political candidate, etc. If we truly want to be a leader a nations then we need to limit the amount of violence that happens every day - especially that with guns.
FOOTNOTE: Anytime an elected offical, appointed official or regular government employee (at any level) accepts ANYTHING from a corporation, company, individual, etc. they are in effect agreeing to do something for that entity. Yes, they may call it a campaign contribution, speaking fee, just a simple lunch, etc, and say they cannot be swayed. But they can and will. The donors know this. After all they don't buy lunches, pay for vacations, lodgings,car rentals just because they are nice people. They fully expect something in return.
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